Error installing package with pip

2024/10/6 8:36:27

I'm trying to install a charting tool (matplotlib-v1.4.2) for python 3.4 in Windows 7, so far all my trails doesn't seem to do the job.


  • I've downloaded pip from GitHub
  • python -m pip install matplotlib on Command Prompt[DOS] - No Use

There's a similar question posted here, tried these suggestions too but I get the following error

'$' is not reconginized as an internal or external command.

I'm sure I'm missing something, your step by step guidance on this regard would be much appreciated.


The $ refers to the beginning of a shell prompt, you shouldn't actually include it in your command :)

So rather than (from the example question you posted)

$ pip install requests

you actually type

pip install requests

In any case, you can download matplotlib .exe files from here for use in Windows. Make sure you get the correct bitness (32bit vs 64bit) and the correct Python version.

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