Dask: create strictly increasing index

2024/10/6 4:07:43

As is well documented, Dask creates a strictly increasing index on a per partition basis when reset_index is called, resulting in duplicate indices over the whole set. What is the best way (e.g. computationally quickest) to create a strictly increasing index in Dask - which doesn't have to be consecutive - over the whole set? I was hoping map_partitions would pass in the partition number, but I don't think it does. Thanks.


Thanks @MRocklin, I've got this far, but I need a little assistance on how to recombine my series with the original dataframe.

def create_increasing_index(ddf:dd.DataFrame):mps = int(len(ddf) / ddf.npartitions + 1000)values = ddf.index.valuesdef do(x, max_partition_size, block_id=None):length = len(x)if length == 0:raise ValueError("Does not work with empty partitions. Consider using dask.repartition.")start = block_id[0] * max_partition_sizereturn da.arange(start, start+length, chunks=1)series = values.map_blocks(do, max_partition_size=mps, dtype=np.int64)ddf2 = dd.concat([ddf, dd.from_array(series)], axis=1)return ddf2

Where I'm getting the error "ValueError: Unable to concatenate DataFrame with unknown division specifying axis=1". Is there a better way than using dd.concat? Thanks.


Actually, for my purposes (and amounts of data that I was testing on - only a few gb) cumsum is fast enough. I'll revisit when this becomes too slow!


A rather slow way of accomplishing this would be to create a new column and then use cumsum

ddf['x'] = 1
ddf['x'] = ddf.x.cumsum()
ddf = ddf.set_index('x', sorted=True)

This is neither very slow nor is it free.

Given how your question is phrased I suspect that you are looking to just create a range for each partition that is separated by a very large value that you know to be larger than the largest number of rows. You're right that map_partitions doesn't provide the partition number. You could do one of the two solutions below instead.

  1. Convert to a dask.array (with .values), use the map_blocks method, which does provide a block index, and then convert back to a series with dd.from_array.
  2. Convert to a list of dask.delayed objects, create the delayed series' yourself, and then convert back to a dask series with dd.from_delayed



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