Pako not able to deflate gzip files generated in python

2024/10/5 21:21:55

I'm generating gzip files from python using the following code: (using python 3)

    file ='output.json.gzip', 'wb')dataToWrite = json.dumps(data).encode('utf-8')file.write(dataToWrite)file.close()

However, I'm trying to read this file now in Javascript using the Pako library (I'm using Angular 2):

this.http.get("output.json.gzip").map((res:Response) => {var resText:any = new Uint8Array(res.arrayBuffer());var result = "";try {result = pako.inflate(resText, {"to": "string"});} catch (err) {console.log("Error " + err);}return result;});

But I'm getting this error in the console: unknown compression method. Should I be doing something else to properly inflate gzip files?


Turns out that I needed to use the res.blob() function to get the true binary data, not res.arrayBuffer(); and then convert the blob to the array buffer:

return this.http.get("output.json.gzip", new RequestOptions({ responseType: ResponseContentType.Blob })).map((res:Response) => {var blob = res.blob();var arrayBuffer;var fileReader = new FileReader();fileReader.onload = function() {arrayBuffer = this.result;try {let result:any = pako.ungzip(new Uint8Array(arrayBuffer), {"to": "string"});let obj = JSON.parse(result);console.log(obj);} catch (err) {console.log("Error " + err);}};fileReader.readAsArrayBuffer(blob);return "abc";});

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