How to check if a process with Command line argument is running using python

2024/10/5 15:33:54

I would like to check if a script is running with a specific command line argument within a python script.

For example I would like to check if: testarg

Is running. Is there any way I can achieve this?

Thanks in advance


To search through the currently running processes, you should use a library such as psutil to ensure maximum platform compatibility.

import psutilfor process in psutil.process_iter():cmdline = process.cmdline()if "" in cmdline and "testarg" in cmdline:# do something

If instead you are looking to search through the arguments of the current process you can use the sys.argv list:

import sysif "testarg" in sys.argv:# do something

For more complex argument parsing, it is recommended to use argparse.

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