Kivy: Access configuration values from any widget

2024/10/5 13:29:40

I'm using kivy to create a small App for computer aided learning.

At the moment I have some problems with accessing config values. I get the value with

self.language = self.config.get('basicsettings', 'language')

in the main App-Class. That works fine, however, I don't know how to access these value inside another widget - in this case the AudioButton.

I'm using a ScreenManager, which contains a Screen. Inside is a BoxLayout, which contains a GridLayout and this holds several AudioButtons.

Now, in this AudioButton I want to know the current value of self.language defined in the mainApp.

In .kv files I can do something like

`text: app.language`

to get it, but how to do it directly in Python?

If I use a dummy label in kv to get the value, it works, but when I change the setting, I need to restart the App, because I don't know what I need to add to on_config_change() to update the value during runtime.

Here's a very simplified version of my App with all interesting parts, I hope.

class AudioButton(Button):filename = StringProperty(None)sound = ObjectProperty(None, allownone=True)def on_press(self):if self.ids.playsound.text == '1''NoSound')class MainScreen(Screen):passclass Pictures1(GridLayout):def __init__(self, **kwargs):super(Pictures1, self).__init__(**kwargs)self.cols = 2btn = AudioButton()self.add_widget(btn)btn = AudioButton()self.add_widget(btn)class Lesson1(Screen):passclass ScreenManagement(ScreenManager):passclass LunahutsoApp(App):def build(self):self.settings_cls = SettingsWithSidebarself.use_kivy_settings = Falseself.language = self.config.get('basicsettings', 'language')self.playsound = self.config.get('basicsettings', 'playsound')return ScreenManagement()def build_config(self, config):config.setdefaults('basicsettings', {'language': 'austrian','playsound': 1})def build_settings(self, settings):settings.add_json_panel('Lunahutso',self.config,data=settings_json)def on_config_change(self, config, section,key, value):if key == 'language':self.language = valueif key == 'playsound':self.playsound = valueif __name__ == "__main__":LunahutsoApp().run()

And the .kv file:

<ScreenManagement>:MainScreen:Lesson1:<AudioButton>:Label:id: languagetext: app.languagecolor: 0, 0, 0, 0Label:id: playsoundtext: app.playsoundcolor: 0, 0, 0, 0<MainScreen>:name: "main"BoxLayout:orientation: 'vertical'Button:on_release: app.root.current = "lesson1"text: "Lesson"font_size: 50Button:on_release: app.open_settings()text: "Settings"font_size: 50Button:on_release: sys.exit()text: "Quit"font_size: 50<Lesson1>:name: "lesson1"id: lesson1BoxLayout:orientation: 'vertical'Pictures1:size_hint_y: 0.5BoxLayout:size_hint_y: 0.15Label:text: ""

You can use the following method of the app class get_running_app(), see here

This way you can reference the config from another class through the app class.

I wrote a quick example below. I am using self.text = App.get_running_app().config.get('Label','content') to access sth in the config.

from import App
from kivy.uix.textinput import TextInput
from kivy.uix.boxlayout import BoxLayout
from kivy.uix.label import Label
from kivy.uix.button import Button
from kivy.lang import Builder
from kivy.uix.label import Label
from kivy.config import Configclass Labelwithconfig(Label):def check_label(self):self.text = App.get_running_app().config.get('Label','content')kv_str = Builder.load_string("""
BoxLayout:orientation: 'vertical'Labelwithconfig:id: labelconfButton:text: 'open settings'on_press: app.open_settings()
""")class MyApp(App):def build_config(self, config):config.setdefaults('Label', {'Content': "Default label text"})def build_settings(self, settings):settings.add_json_panel("StackOverflow Test Settings", self.config, data="""[{"type": "options","title": "Label text System","section": "Label","key": "Content","options": ["Default label text", "Other Label text"]}]""")def on_config_change(self, config, section, key, value):self.root.ids.labelconf.check_label()def build(self):return kv_strif __name__ == '__main__':MyApp().run()

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