How To Fix Miscased Procfile in Heroku

2024/10/4 20:55:38

Heroku will not reload my corrected Procfile

I have ran git status which shows me the Procfile and I realized that I spelled Procfile with a lower case p. I saw the error and updated the file name in my project but when I saved and ran git status again it stills shows it lower case. Of course now its not showing the site on Heroku.

Changes not staged for commit:(use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)(use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)modified:   procfile
remote: -----> Discovering process types
remote:  ~     Mis-cased procfile detected; ignoring.
remote:  ~     Rename it to Procfile to have it honored.
remote:        Procfile declares types -> (none)

Total newbie on my first project. Should I delete the project on Heroku and just start all over fresh or can I just do a git init and then just push everything up again to Heroku?


This worked for me,

  • remove the Procfile from your working project directory
  • in your command line

git add -A to add your changes to git, git commit -m "Removed Procfile", git push heroku master

  • then, create the new Procfile with the right capitalization in your working project directory
  • then add, commit, and push your code to Heroku. Done!

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