Convert fractional years to a real date in Python

2024/10/4 5:36:17

How do I convert fractional years to a real date by using Python? E. g. I have an array

[2012.343, 2012.444, 2012.509] 

containing fractional years and I would like to get "yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm".


Here it`s a better solution, that give you the answer in datetime format.

from datetime import timedelta, datetimedef convert_partial_year(number):year = int(number)d = timedelta(days=(number - year)*365)day_one = datetime(year,1,1)date = d + day_onereturn date

This solution doesnt count the extra day in leap years. If you need to do so, make a function is_leap(year) that returns a bool, and change my code to this:

from datetime import timedelta, datetimedef convert_partial_year(number):year = int(number)d = timedelta(days=(number - year)*(365 + is_leap(year)))day_one = datetime(year,1,1)date = d + day_onereturn date

Check out datetime module. You can find a even better solution for your problem there.

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