How to clear tf.flags?

2024/10/4 1:28:59

If I run this code twice:

tf.flags.DEFINE_integer("batch_size", "2", "batch size for training")

I will get this error:

DuplicateFlagError: The flag 'batch_size' is defined twice. First from D:/Python/workspace/FCN_dataset/FCN.tensorflow-master/, Second from D:/Python/workspace/FCN_dataset/FCN.tensorflow-master/  Description from first occurrence: batch size for training

I know that it's because of I redefine the default value of flag. So how can I clear flags or allow to redefine the flag's default value?


can delete flags, so define a function to delete all flags:

def del_all_flags(FLAGS):flags_dict = FLAGS._flags()keys_list = [keys for keys in flags_dict]for keys in keys_list:FLAGS.__delattr__(keys)

Then run:


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