Flask deployement on lighttpd and raspberry pi

2024/10/3 17:19:56

I'm trying to deploy a hello flask app to a raspberry pi using lighttpd fastCGI.

I followed the instructions on the http://flask.pocoo.org/docs/0.10/deploying/fastcgi/ to the best of my ability

Here is my flask app (/var/www/demoapp/hello.py)

from flask import Flask
app = Flask(__name__)@app.route("/")
def hello():return "Hello World From Flask Yeh!"if __name__ == "__main__":app.run(host='', port=5000)

And here is my .fcgi file (/var/www/demoapp/hello.fcgi)

from flup.server.fcgi import WSGIServer
from yourapplication import appif __name__ == '__main__':WSGIServer(app).run()

And here is what I added to my /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf

fastcgi.server = ("/hello.fcgi" =>(("socket" => "/tmp/hello-fcgi.sock","bin-path" => "/var/www/demoapp/hello.fcgi","check-local" => "disable","max-procs" => 1))
)alias.url = ("/static/" => "/var/www/demoapp/static/",

I get a 404 Not Found error

By the way what is the /tmp/hello-fcgi.sock where do I get this file

Please help. I'm essentially trying to find a simple way to deploy flask on my raspberry pi web server. I have tried several methods. The fastcgi seemed to be the easiest. If there is an easier way then let me know please.

Thank you



I believe the problem is that in your hello.fcgi file, you are importing a module named yourapplication, however, the flask application you created is named hello.

Try changing this line:

from yourapplication import app to from hello import app

Edit: Also - double check your url when testing - since your @app.route is set to the root, you must include the trailing slash in your url, eg:


and not



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