Using scipy sparse matrices to solve system of equations

2024/10/3 10:43:07

This is a follow up to How to set up and solve simultaneous equations in python but I feel deserves its own reputation points for any answer.

For a fixed integer n, I have a set of 2(n-1) simultaneous equations as follows.

M(p) = 1+((n-p-1)/n)*M(n-1) + (2/n)*N(p-1) + ((p-1)/n)*M(p-1)N(p) = 1+((n-p-1)/n)*M(n-1) + (p/n)*N(p-1)M(1) = 1+((n-2)/n)*M(n-1) + (2/n)*N(0)N(0) = 1+((n-1)/n)*M(n-1)

M(p) is defined for 1 <= p <= n-1. N(p) is defined for 0 <= p <= n-2. Notice also that p is just a constant integer in every equation so the whole system is linear.

Some very nice answers were given for how to set up a system of equations in python. However, the system is sparse and I would like to solve it for large n. How can I use scipy's sparse matrix representation and for example instead?


I wouldn't normally keep beating a dead horse, but it happens that my non-vectorized approach to solving your other question, has some merit when things get big. Because I was actually filling the coefficient matrix one item at a time, it is very easy to translate into COO sparse matrix format, which can efficiently be transformed to CSC and solved. The following does it:

import scipy.sparsedef sps_solve(n) :# Solution vector is [N[0], N[1], ..., N[n - 2], M[1], M[2], ..., M[n - 1]]n_pos = lambda p : pm_pos = lambda p : p + n - 2data = []row = []col = []# p = 0# n * N[0] + (1 - n) * M[n-1] = nrow += [n_pos(0), n_pos(0)]col += [n_pos(0), m_pos(n - 1)]data += [n, 1 - n]for p in xrange(1, n - 1) :# n * M[p] + (1 + p - n) * M[n - 1] - 2 * N[p - 1] +#  (1 - p) * M[p - 1] = nrow += [m_pos(p)] * (4 if p > 1 else 3)col += ([m_pos(p), m_pos(n - 1), n_pos(p - 1)] +([m_pos(p - 1)] if p > 1 else []))data += [n, 1 + p - n , -2] + ([1 - p] if p > 1 else [])# n * N[p] + (1 + p -n) * M[n - 1] - p * N[p - 1] = nrow += [n_pos(p)] * 3col += [n_pos(p), m_pos(n - 1), n_pos(p - 1)]data += [n, 1 + p - n, -p]if n > 2 :# p = n - 1# n * M[n - 1] - 2 * N[n - 2] + (2 - n) * M[n - 2] = nrow += [m_pos(n-1)] * 3col += [m_pos(n - 1), n_pos(n - 2), m_pos(n - 2)]data += [n, -2, 2 - n]else :# p = 1 # n * M[1] - 2 * N[0] = nrow += [m_pos(n - 1)] * 2col += [m_pos(n - 1), n_pos(n - 2)]data += [n, -2]coeff_mat = scipy.sparse.coo_matrix((data, (row, col))).tocsc()return scipy.sparse.linalg.spsolve(coeff_mat,np.ones(2 * (n - 1)) * n)

It is of course much more verbose than building it from vectorized blocks, as TheodorosZelleke does, but an interesting thing happens when you time both approaches:

enter image description here

First, and this is (very) nice, time is scaling linearly in both solutions, as one would expect from using the sparse approach. But the solution I gave in this answer is always faster, more so for larger ns. Just for the fun of it, I also timed TheodorosZelleke's dense approach from the other question, which gives this nice graph showing the different scaling of both types of solutions, and how very early, somewhere around n = 75, the solution here should be your choice:

enter image description here

I don't know enough about scipy.sparse to really figure out why the differences between the two sparse approaches, although I suspect heavily of the use of LIL format sparse matrices. There may be some very marginal performance gain, although a lot of compactness in the code, by turning TheodorosZelleke's answer into COO format. But that is left as an exercise for the OP!

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