Why does Django ORM allow me to omit parameters for NOT NULL fields when creating an object?

2024/10/2 22:29:17

Stupid question time. I seem to be able to create an object for a Django model even though I omit a column that was defined as NOT NULL and I don't understand why. Here's my model:

class Movie(models.Model):name = models.CharField(max_length=256)length_minutes = models.IntegerField()rating = models.CharField(max_length=2)class Meta:db_table = 'movies'

When I run python manage.py sql I see:

CREATE TABLE "movies" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,"name" varchar(256) NOT NULL,"length_minutes" integer NOT NULL,"rating" varchar(2) NOT NULL

Also, if I run the command \d movies from the psql, I can see that all columns are designated NOT NULL.

But here's what I don't understand. When I run the Python shell, I can issue the following command and a new row with an empty 'name' column will be created:

Movie.objects.create(length_minutes=120, rating='PG')

However, if I issue (what I believe to be) the equivalent SQL command:

INSERT INTO movies(length_minutes, rating) VALUES(120, 'PG');

... I get the error I would expect: "ERROR: null value... violates not-null constraint."

Why does Django's ORM allow me to create an object that lacks a parameter for a NOT NULL CharField column? Does it assume that I'm using model validators? If so, it seems to be a pretty dumb and trusting ORM.

I'm using Python 2.7.1, Django 1.4, and PostgreSQL 9.1.4.

Thanks for your help.


After a great deal of online research and experimentation, what I've found indicates that the behavior I described above is normal Django behavior. Apparently, Django doesn't validate models by default. Furthermore, the default value for a CharField is the empty string. In order to ensure that Django raises the expected IntegrityError if I omit a CharField parameter designated NOT NULL, I needed to add "default=None" to the signature declaration:

name = models.CharField(max_length=256, default=None)

Can I get credit for answering my own question?


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