How to change fontsize of individual legend entries in pyplot?

2024/10/2 18:24:20

What I'm trying to do is control the fontsize of individual entries in a legend in pyplot. That is, I want the first entry to be one size, and the second entry to be another. This was my attempt at a solution, which does not work.

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as pltx = np.arange(1,5,0.5)
plt.plot(x,x,label='Curve 1')
plt.plot(x,2*x,label='Curve 2')
leg = plt.legend(loc = 0, fontsize = 'small')

My expectation is that the default size for all legend entries would 'small'. I then get a list of the Text objects, and change the fontsize for only a single Text object to medium. However, for some reason this changes all Text object fontsizes to medium, rather than just the single one I actually changed. I find this odd since I can individually set other properties such as text color in this manner.

Ultimately, I just need some way to change an individual entry's fontsize for a legend.


It appears that the font of each legend entry is managed by an instance of matplotlib.font_manager.FontProperties. The thing is: each entry doesn't have its own FontProperties... they all share the same one. This is verified by writing:

>>> t1, t2 = leg.get_texts()
>>> t1.get_fontproperties() is t2.get_fontproperties()

So if you change the size of the first entry, the size of the second entry is automatically changed along with it.

The "hack" to get around this is to simply create a distinct instance of FontProperties for each legend entry:

x = np.arange(1,5,0.5)
plt.plot(x,x,label='Curve 1')
plt.plot(x,2*x,label='Curve 2')
leg = plt.legend(loc = 0, fontsize = 'small')t1, t2 = leg.get_texts()
# here we create the distinct instance
t1._fontproperties = t2._fontproperties.copy()

And now the sizing is correct:

enter image description here

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