How can I temporarily redirect the output of logging in Python?

2024/10/2 3:18:39

There's already a question that answers how to do this regarding sys.stdout and sys.stderr here:

But that doesn't work everywhere. The logging module seems to output to sys.stdout and sys.stderr, but I can't capture it with the context manager above.

In the following example code, I'm trying to capture all output inside the context manager, failing to do so for the logger statements:

from __future__ import print_function
import contextlib
import sys
import logging
from StringIO import StringIO# taken from
def stdout_redirect(where):prev_stdout = sys.stdoutprev_stderr = sys.stderrprev_stdout.flush()sys.stdout = wheresys.stderr = wheretry:yield wherefinally:where.flush()sys.stdout = prev_stdoutsys.stderr = prev_stderrlogging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG)
logger = logging.getLogger()print("\t\tOUTSIDE: stdout", file=sys.stdout)
print("\t\tOUTSIDE: stderr", file=sys.stderr)"\tOUTSIDE: info")
logger.debug("\tOUTSIDE: debug")
logger.warn("\tOUTSIDE: warn")
logger.error("\tOUTSIDE: error")
logger.critical("\tOUTSIDE: critical")print("=============== DIVIDER ================")s = ""
with stdout_redirect(StringIO()) as new_stdout:print("\t\tINSIDE: stdout", file=sys.stdout)print("\t\tINSIDE: stderr", file=sys.stderr)"\tINSIDE: info")logger.debug("\tINSIDE: debug")logger.warn("\tINSIDE: warn")logger.error("\tINSIDE: error")logger.critical("\tINSIDE: critical")print("=============== DIVIDER ===============")
print(new_stdout.getvalue())print("=============== LOGGING ===============")print(logger.handlers)

How can I temporarily redirect the output of the logger(s) that spit out to stdout and capture them? I took a look at logging/, but it doesn't immediately tell me what I need to do.

My motivation for doing this is that I want to equip a crufty big codebase with tests, each of which captures the spurious amounts of logging output that each test invokes. I can capture external programs, but I can't seem to capture the tests that I run inside nose.

Rewriting the verbose parts isn't an option right now, but is definitely a goal for further down the road.

Edit, regarding ubuntu

Here's what I've tried running with nosetests:

from __future__ import print_function
import sysdef test_funky_shurane():import logginglogging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG)"===== shurane info")logging.warn("===== shurane warn")logging.error("===== shurane error")logging.critical("===== shurane critical")print("===== shurane stdout", file=sys.stdout)print("===== shurane stderr", file=sys.stderr)assert True

And then running the above with:

nosetests --nocapture

the logging.basicConfig() is a convenience that sets up some logger handling in a very simple way. If you need a little more than that, you shouldn't use basicConfig(). That's not a big deal, because it doesn't do a whole lot. What we need is to configure logging for both streams;

import logging, sys
fmt = logging.Formatter(BASIC_FORMAT)hdlr_stderr = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stderr)
hdlr_stdout = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout)

By default, loggers log all messages that they receive; but initially, we don't want to log any messages to sys.stdout:

hdlr_stdout.level = float('inf')  # larger than any log level; nothing gets logged

Then, your context manager might look a bit like:

def redirect_stderr_logging(where):hdlr_stderr.level = float('inf')hdlr_stdout.level = logging.NOTSETtry:yield wherefinally:hdlr_stderr.level = logging.NOTSEThdlr_stdout.level = float('inf')

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