How to serialize hierarchical relationship in Django REST

2024/10/2 1:33:50

I have a Django model that is hierarchical using django-mptt, which looks like:

class UOMCategory(MPTTModel, BaseModel):"""This represents categories of different unit of measurements."""name = models.CharField(max_length=50, unique=True)description = models.CharField(max_length=50, unique=True)parent = TreeForeignKey('self', null=True, blank=True, related_name='%(app_label)s_%(class)s_sub_uom_categories')

The problem now is I created a REST API using Django REST Framework; how do I make sure that parent field returns serialized data?

Here is the Model Serializer:

class UOMCategorySerializer(BaseModelSerializer):"""REST API Serializer for UOMCategory model"""class Meta:model = UOMCategory

In DRF you can use a serializer as a field in another serializer. However, recursion is not possible.

Tom Christie posted a solution on another question (Django rest framework nested self-referential objects). His solution will also work with your problem.

In your UOMCategorySerializer.Meta class you specify the fields you want to use, also list the parent and/or children field(s) there. Then you use Tom Christies solution.

In your case this would give:

class UOMCategorySerializer(ModelSerializer):class Meta:model = UOMCategoryfields = ('name', 'description', 'parent', 'children')

Tom Christies solution: By specifying what field to use for parent and/or children, you avoid using too much (and possibily endless) recursion:

UOMCategorySerializer.base_fields['parent'] = UOMCategorySerializer()
UOMCategorySerializer.base_fields['children'] = UOMCategorySerializer(many=True)

The above works for me in a similar situation.

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