JAX Apply function only on slice of array under jit

2024/10/1 12:27:35

I am using JAX, and I want to perform an operation like

def fun(x, index):x[:index] = other_fun(x[:index])return x

This cannot be performed under jit. Is there a way of doing this with jax.ops or jax.lax? I thought of using jax.ops.index_update(x, idx, y) but I cannot find a way of computing y without incurring in the same problem again.


The previous answer by @rvinas using dynamic_slice works well if your index is static, but you can also accomplish this with a dynamic index using jnp.where. For example:

import jax
import jax.numpy as jnpdef other_fun(x):return x + 1@jax.jit
def fun(x, index):mask = jnp.arange(x.shape[0]) < indexreturn jnp.where(mask, other_fun(x), x)x = jnp.arange(5)
print(fun(x, 3))
# [1 2 3 3 4]

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