Python - walk through a huge set of files but in a more efficient manner

2024/10/1 5:39:57

I have huge set of files that I want to traverse through using python. I am using os.walk(source) for the same and is working but since I have a huge set of files it is taking too much and memory resources since its getting the complete list all at once. How can I optimize this to use less resources and may be walk through one directory at a time or in some other efficient manner and still able to iterate the complete set of files. Thanks

for dir, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(START_FOLDER): for name in dirnames: #if PRIVATE_FOLDER not in name: for keyword in FOLDER_WITH_KEYWORDS_DELETION_EXCEPTION_LIST: if keyword in name.lower(): ignoreList.append(name)

If the issue is that the directory simply has too many files in it, this will hopefully be solved in Python 3.5.

Until then, you may want to check out scandir.

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