What is the Matlab equivalent of the yield keyword in Python?

2024/9/30 21:28:56

I need to generate multiple results but one at a time, as opposed to everything at once in an array.

How do I do that in Matlab with a generator like syntax as in Python?


When executing functions that use the yield keyword, they actually return a generator. Generators are a type of iterators. While MATLAB does not provide the syntax for either, you can implement the "iterator interface" yourself. Here is an example similar to xrange function in python:

classdef rangeIterator < handleproperties (Access = private)inendmethodsfunction obj = rangeIterator(n)obj.i = 0;obj.n = n;endfunction val = next(obj)if obj.i < obj.nval = obj.i;obj.i = obj.i + 1;elseerror('Iterator:StopIteration', 'Stop iteration')endendfunction reset(obj)obj.i = 0;endend

Here is how we use the iterator:

r = rangeIterator(10);
try% keep call next() method until it throws StopIterationwhile truex = r.next();disp(x);end
catch ME% if it is not the "stop iteration" exception, rethrow it as an errorif ~strcmp(ME.identifier,'Iterator:StopIteration')rethrow(ME);end

Note the when using the construct for .. in .. in Python on iterators, it internally does a similar thing.

You could write something similar using regular functions instead of classes, by using either persistent variables or a closure to store the local state of the function, and return "intermediate results" each time it is called.


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