Search/Find functionality in QTableView

2024/9/30 9:28:19

I have a QWidget and inside that, there is a QTableView. I need to have a find functionality on the first column of the table, so when I click on Ctrl+F, a find dialog will pop-up.

class Widget(QWidget):def __init__(self,md,parent=None):QWidget.__init__(self,parent)layout=QVBoxLayout(self)# initially construct the visible tabletv = QTableView()# uncomment this if the last column shall cover the resttv.horizontalHeader().setStretchLastSection(True) set black grid linesself.setStyleSheet("gridline-color: rgb(39, 42, 49)")# construct the Qt model belonging to the visible tablemodel = NvmQtModel(md)tv.setModel(model)tv.resizeRowsToContents()tv.resizeColumnsToContents()# set the shortcut ctrl+F for find in menushortcut = QShortcut(QKeySequence('Ctrl+f'), self)shortcut.activated.connect(self.handleFind)# delegate for decimaldelegate = NvmDelegate()tv.setItemDelegate(delegate)self.setGeometry(200,200,600,600) # adjust this laterlayout.addWidget(tv)# set window titleself.setWindowTitle("TITLE")# shows and handles the find dialogdef handleFind(self):findDialog = QDialog()grid = QGridLayout()findDialog.setLayout(grid)findLabel = QLabel("Find what", findDialog)grid.addWidget(findLabel,1,0)findField = QLineEdit(findDialog)grid.addWidget(findField,1,1)findButton = QPushButton("Find", findDialog)findButton.clicked.connect(self.find)grid.addWidget(findButton,2,1)findDialog.exec_()# find function: search in the first column of the table   def find(self):#to do# prevent closing the window  without confirmationdef closeEvent(self, event):reply=QMessageBox.question(self,'Message',"Are you sure to quit?",QMessageBox.Yes|QMessageBox.No,QMessageBox.No)if reply==QMessageBox.Yes:event.accept()else:event.ignore()# create the application and the new tree view container

I have problem in the findButton action where it should search in the first column of the table. I would appreciate if you guide me in this issue.


Firstly, you will need to change the way the findButton is connected, so that it sends the text to be searched for:

findButton.clicked.connect(lambda: self.find(findField.text()))

Then you can search in your table by using the match method of the tableview's model:

def find(self, text, column=0):model = self.table.model()start = model.index(0, column)matches = model.match(start, QtCore.Qt.DisplayRole,text, 1, QtCore.Qt.MatchContains)if matches:index = matches[0]# index.row(), index.column()self.table.selectionModel().select(index, QtGui.QItemSelectionModel.Select)


The method above will find the first cell that contains the given text, and then select it. If you wanted to find the next cell that matches, start would need to be set to the appropriate index of the current selection (if there is one). This could be obtained with:

    indexes = self.table.selectionModel().selectedIndexes()

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