Python verify url goes to a page

2024/9/30 3:22:04

I have a list of urls (1000+) which have been stored for over a year now. I want to run through and verify them all to see if they still exist. What is the best / quickest way to check them all and return a list of ones which do not return a site?


this is kind of slow but you can use something like this to check if url is a live

import urllib2try:urllib2.urlopen(url)return True         # URL Exist
except ValueError, ex:return False        # URL not well formatted
except urllib2.URLError, ex:return False        # URL don't seem to be alive

more quick than urllib2 you can use httplib

import httplibtry:a = httplib.HTTPConnection('')a.connect()
except httplib.HTTPException as ex:print "not connected"

you can also do a DNS checkout (it's not very convenient to check if a website don't exist):

import sockettry:socket.gethostbyname('')
except socket.gaierror as ex:print "not existe"

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