How can I set path to load data from CSV file into PostgreSQL database in Docker container?

2024/9/29 23:39:21

I would like to load data from CSV file into PostgreSQL database in Docker. I run:

docker exec -ti my project_db_1 psql -U postgres

Then I select my database:

\c myDatabase

Now I try to load data from myfile.csv which is in the main directory of the Django project into backend_data table:

\copy backend_data (t, sth1, sth2) FROM 'myfile.csv' CSV HEADER;

However I get error:

myfile.csv: No such file or directory

It seems to me that I tried every possible path and nothing works. Any ideas how can I solve it? This is my docker-compose.yml:

version: '3'services:db:image: postgresenvironment:POSTGRES_USER: myuserPOSTGRES_PASSWORD: mypassworddjango:build: .command: python3 runserver .:/codeports:- "8000:8000"depends_on:- db

The easiest way is to mount a directory into the postgres container, place the file into the mounted directory, and reference it there.

We are actually mounting the pgdata directory, to be sure that the postgres data lives even if we recreate the postgres docker container. So, my example will also use pgdata:

services:db:image: postgresenvironment:POSTGRES_USER: myuserPOSTGRES_PASSWORD: mypasswordvolumes:- "<path_to_local_pgdata>:/var/lib/postgresql/data/pgdata"

Place myfile.csv into <path_to_local_pgdata> (relative to directory containing the config or absolute path). The copy command then looks like this:

\copy backend_data (t, sth1, sth2) FROM '/var/lib/postgresql/data/pgdata/myfile.csv' CSV HEADER;

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