RuntimeError: Event loop is closed when using pytest-asyncio to test FastAPI routes

2024/9/29 19:17:46

I received the error

RuntimeError: Event loop is closed

each time I try to make more than one async call inside my test. I already tried to use all other suggestions from other Stack Overflow posts to rewrite the event_loop fixture but nothing works. I wonder what I'm missing?

Run test command:

python -m pytest tests/ --asyncio-mode=auto



async def test_user(test_client_fast_api):assert 200 == 200# works finerequest_first ="/first_route")# recieve RuntimeError: Event loop is closedrequest_second ="/second_route")

def event_loop():try:loop = asyncio.get_running_loop()except RuntimeError:loop = asyncio.new_event_loop()yield looploop.close()

Add a file to the directory where the test script is placed.

And write the following code:

import pytest
from main import app
from httpx import AsyncClient@pytest.fixture(scope="session")
def anyio_backend():return "asyncio"@pytest.fixture(scope="session")
async def client():async with AsyncClient(app=app, base_url="http://test") as client:print("Client is ready")yield client

And then use those fixtures in your own test code. For example, this is the real test code for my own project. You can change it to your own.

import pytest
from httpx import AsyncClient@pytest.mark.anyio
async def test_run_not_exists_schedule(client: AsyncClient):response = await client.get("/schedule/list")assert response.status_code == 200schedules = response.json()["data"]["schedules"]schedules_exists = [i["id"] for i in schedules]not_exists_id = max(schedules_exists) + 1request_body = {"id": not_exists_id}response = await client.put("/schedule/run_cycle", data=request_body)assert response.status_code != 200  @pytest.mark.anyio
async def test_run_adfasdfw(client: AsyncClient):response = await client.get("/schedule/list")assert response.status_code == 200schedules = response.json()["data"]["schedules"]schedules_exists = [i["id"] for i in schedules]not_exists_id = max(schedules_exists) + 1request_body = {"id": not_exists_id}response = await client.put("/schedule/run_cycle", data=request_body)assert response.status_code != 200

Finally, run in the project's terminal

python -m pytest

If all goes well, it should be OK.

This may involve libraries that need to be installed.


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