Django Class Based View: Validate object in dispatch

2024/9/29 13:26:54

Is there a established way that i validate an object in the dispatch without making an extra database call when self.get_object() is called later in get/post?

Here is what i have so far (slightly altered for this question):

class CourseUpdateView(UpdateView):def dispatch(self, request, *args, **kwargs):self.request = requestself.kwargs = kwargsself.object = self.get_object()if self.object.is_online:messages.warning(request, "Sorry this one can't be updated")return redirect("course:detail", pk=self.kwargs['pk'])# this is going to call self.get_object again isn't it?return UpdateView.dispatch(self, request, *args, **kwargs)

You can cache the result of get_object().

Here's a trivial example:

class CourseUpdateView(UpdateView):# [...] your dispatch methoddef get_object(self):# it doesn't matter how many times get_object is called per request# it should not do more than one requestif not hasattr(self, '_object'):self._object = super(CourseUpdateView, self).get_object()return self._object

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