django: gettext and coercing to unicode

2024/9/29 9:38:38

I have following code in my django application.

class Status(object):def __init__(self, id, desc) = idself.desc = descdef __unicode__(self):return self.descSTATUS = Status(0, _(u"Some text"))

When I try to display some status (or even coerce it to unicode), I get:

TypeError: coercing to Unicode: need string or buffer, __proxy__ found

Could anyone explain me, what I am doing wrong?


The _() function from Django can return a django.utils.functional.__proxy__ object, which is itself not unicode (see Python does not call unicode() recursively, so it's an error for your Status object to return the __proxy__ object directly. You need to make the __unicode__ method return unicode(self.desc).

Note that this is specific to Django; Python's own gettext doesn't return these proxy objects.

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