Releasing Python GIL while in C++ code

2024/9/29 7:16:36

I've got a library written in C++ which I wrap using SWIG and use in python. Generally there is one class with few methods. The problem is that calling these methods may be time consuming - they may hang my application (GIL is not released when calling these methods). So my question is:

What is the simplest way to release GIL for these method calls?

(I understand that if I used a C library I could wrap this with some additional C code, but here I use C++ and classes)


Not having any idea what SWIG is I'll attempt an answer anyway :)

Use something like this to release/acquire the GIL:

class GILReleaser {GILReleaser() : save(PyEval_SaveThread()) {}~GILReleaser() {PyEval_RestoreThread(save);}PyThreadState* save;

And in the code-block of your choosing, utilize RAII to release/acquire GIL:

{GILReleaser releaser;// ... Do stuff ...

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