Django queryset permissions

2024/9/29 3:33:45

I am building a quite complex Django application to be used on top of and email scanning service. The Django application is written using Python 3.5+

This application primarily uses Django Rest Framework to handle communication with the frontend in the browser.

The issue that I am currently having is that I try to implement the concept of a System Administrator, Domain Administrator and Application User

The System Administrator is basically the "normal" django superuser and is therefore capable of doing everything and see every record in the system.

The Domain Administrator is user who manages one or more email domains. I keep track of this using a Many2Many relationship between the users and the domains. The idea would then be to predefine a filter, so that the log of messages processed, will be automatically filtered to show only messages where the sender domain or the recipient domain equal a domain in the list of domains that the given user is assigned to.

The same would be true for blacklisting/whitelisting policies.

If the Domain Administrator is not assigned to any domains, then no data is shown.

The Application User is basically any authenticated user with one or more domains assigned to them, using the same Many2Many relationship as the Domain Administrator. If no domains are assigned, then no data is shown.

I have found some other solution here on Stackoverflow on making the request.user available to the QuerySet in the ModelManager, but that does not seem like the correct way to handle it.

I have looked at django-guardian, django-authority and django-permissions, but none of them seem to be affecting the QuerySet or the resulting list of objects.

Does anyone have a suggestion for Django package/addon that can be used to handle this or maybe an idea for how this could be handled?


I'm the author of django-cancan library which strives to solve the exact problem you are describing.

The philosophy is as following: first, you determine per-user abilities, then in a view, you can check user abilities for a given object, model, or you can retrieve a queryset based on those abilities.

The declaration part looks like this:

def declare_abilities(user, ability):if not user.is_authenticated:# Allow anonymous users to view only published articlesability.can('view', Article, published=True)else:# logged in user can view any article...ability.can('view', Article)# ... and change his ownability.can('change', Article, author=user)# ... and add new onesability.can('add', Article)if user.is_superuser:# Allow superuser to view and change any articleability.can('view', Article)ability.can('change', Article)

Then you can you can check for abilites on a per-object level:

def article_detail_view(request, pk):article = Article.objects.get(pk=pk)if request.ability.can('view', article):...

or on a model level:

def article_create_view(request, pk):if request.ability.can('add', Article):...

or get a queryset with accessible objects:

def another_list_view(request, pk):articles = request.ability.queryset_for('view', Article)...

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