TensorFlow - Ignore infinite values when calculating the mean of a tensor

2024/9/28 4:55:58

This is probably a basic question, but I can't find a solution:

I need to calculate the mean of a tensor ignoring any non-finite values.

For example mean([2.0, 3.0, inf, 5.0]) should return 3.333 and not inf nor 2.5.

I have tried sess.run(tf.reduce_mean([2.0, 3.0, inf, 5.0])) but it returns inf.


You could use a combination of is_finite and boolean_mask.

import tensorflow as tfx = tf.constant([2, 3, float('Inf'), 5])
mymean = tf.reduce_mean(tf.boolean_mask(x, tf.is_finite(x)))sess = tf.Session()

Note that is_finite will get rid of NaN values as well.


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