Cant save data from yfinance into a CSV file

2024/9/28 19:27:12

I found library that allows me to get data from yahoo finance very efficiently. It's a wonderful library.

The problem is, I can't save the data into a csv file.

I've tried converting the data to a Panda Dataframe but I think I'm doing it incorrectly and I'm getting a bunch of 'NaN's.

I tried using Numpy to save directly into a csv file and that's not working either.

import yfinance as yf
import csv
import numpy as npurls=[
'msft']for url in urls:tickerTag = yf.Ticker(url)print(tickerTag.actions)np.savetxt('DivGrabberTest.csv', tickerTag.actions, delimiter = '|')

I can print the data on console and it's fine. Please help me save it into a csv. Thank you!


If you want to store the ticker results for each url in different csv files you can do:

for url in urls:tickerTag = yf.Ticker(url)tickerTag.actions.to_csv("tickertag{}.csv".format(url))

if you want them all to be in the same csv file you can do

import pandas as pd
tickerlist = [yf.Ticker.url for url in urls]

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