Python: Find `sys.argv` before the `sys` module is loaded

2024/9/28 11:12:38

I want to find the command line arguments that my program was called with, i.e. sys.argv, but I want to do that before Python makes sys.argv available. This is because I'm running code in which is imported by the site module, which is imported before Python populates sys.argv. (If you're curious, the reason I'm doing this is to start my debugger without changing my program code.)

Is there any way to find the command line arguments without sys.argv?

Also: The solution needs to work for Python 2.6 :(


Nope. Python uses such libraries as sys, os, and etc to get access to system variables and os functional. It can't do it with just core functions. So, in any case, you need to import sys.

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