Groupby count only when a certain value is present in one of the column in pandas

2024/9/27 23:27:06

I have a dataframe similar to the below mentioned database:

+------------+-----+--------+| time | id | status |+------------+-----+--------+| 1451606400 | id1 | Yes || 1451606400 | id1 | Yes || 1456790400 | id2 | No || 1456790400 | id2 | Yes || 1456790400 | id2 | No |+------------+-----+--------+

I'm grouping by all the columns mentioned above and i'm able to get the count in a different column named 'count' successfully using the below command:

df.groupby(['time','id', 'status']).size().reset_index(name='count')

But I want the count in the above dataframe only in those rows with status = 'Yes' and rest should be '0'

Desired Output:

+------------+-----+--------+---------+| time | id | status | count |+------------+-----+--------+---------+| 1451606400 | id1 | Yes | 2 || 1456790400 | id2 | Yes | 1 || 1456790400 | id2 | No | 0 |+------------+-----+--------+---------+

I tried to count for status = 'Yes' with the below code:

df[df['status']== 'Yes'].groupby(['time','id','status']).size().reset_index(name='count')

which obviously gives me those rows with status = 'Yes' and discarded the rest. I want the discarded ones with count = 0

Is there any way to get the result?

Thanks in advance!


Use lambda function with apply and for count sum boolena True values proccesses like 1:

df1 = (df.groupby(['time','id','status']).apply(lambda x: (x['status']== 'Yes').sum()).reset_index(name='count'))

Or create new column and aggregate sum:

df1 = (df.assign(A=df['status']=='Yes').groupby(['time','id','status'])['A'].sum().astype(int).reset_index(name='count'))

Very similar solution with no new column, but worse readable a bit:

df1 = ((df['status']=='Yes').groupby([df['time'],df['id'],df['status']]).sum().astype(int).reset_index(name='count'))print (df)time   id status  count
0  1451606400  id1    Yes      2
1  1456790400  id2     No      0
2  1456790400  id2    Yes      1

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