Type hinting for Django Model subclass

2024/9/27 15:23:34

I have helper function for Django views that looks like this (code below). It returns None or single object that matches given query (e.g. pk=1).

from typing import Type, Optionalfrom django.db.models import Modeldef get_or_none(cls: Type[Model], **kwargs) -> Optinal[Model]:try:return cls.objects.get(**kwargs)except cls.DoesNotExist:return None

Supose I have created my own model (e.g. Car) with its own fields (e.g. brand, model). When I asign results of get_or_none function to a varibale, and then retriveing instance fields, I get annoying warning in PyCharm of unresolved reference.

car1 = get_or_none(Car, pk=1)if car1 is not None:print(car1.brand) # <- Unresolved attribute reference 'brand' for class 'Model'

What's the propper type hinting to get rid of this warning and get code completion for variable)?


Found this answer to almost simmilar question. The solution is to use TypeVar from typing

from typing import TypeVar, Type, Optionalfrom django.db.models import ModelT = TypeVar('T', bound=Model)def get_or_none(cls: Type[T], **kwargs) -> Optional[T]:... # same code

And everything works fine: no warnings and code completion


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