Searching for a random python program generator

2024/9/26 5:15:42

I'm searching for a program that can generate random but valid python programs, similar to the

Random C program generator.

I was trying to do this myself giving random input to the python tokenize.untokenize() function, but of course most of the generated source code was not a valid program I could interpret with eval(). So I would like to know, if you either know a way how to generate random but valid python programs (maybe using the ast module?) or if such a generator already exists.

EDIT: I want to use the random python source code as a starting point for doing genetic programming with python. So I want to have a list of random programs, and then evolve them towards let's say a program that returns "Hello World!".


A google search for python "random program generator" turned up the Random Python Program Generator.

If you want a downloadable script, take a look at pyfuzz.

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