What technologies exist to create stand alone executables for Python 3?

2024/9/25 23:22:40

Other than cx_Freeze, are there any other current maintained tool suites to generate stand alone executables for Python 3k?

Are there any other techniques for minimizing preinstallation requirements under Windows?


There doesn't seem to be another choice of tool at the moment.

There's nothing stopping you from including a prebuilt Python environment in your package/installer and either creating an appropriate shortcut to launch the Python app, or creating a separate executable that launches the Python app (or even linking the Python interpreter into the executable and using it like that...). It just takes some more effort making sure you've got all the right pieces (like .dlls) where they need to be.

Remember, Python doesn't have to be "installed" per se, you just need to make sure it knows where to find everything (e.g. set the appropriate environment variables like PYTHONPATH in whatever launcher you're using).


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