Caught TypeError while rendering: __init__() got an unexpected keyword argument use_decimal

2024/9/25 17:17:56

While running the program i am getting the following error message

Caught TypeError while rendering: __init__() got an unexpected keyword
argument 'use_decimal'

Here is my code i am using jquery 1.6.4

def load_charts(chart_list=None, render_to=''):embed_script = ('<script type="text/javascript">\n''var _chartit_hco_array = %s;\n</script>\n''<script src="%s" type="text/javascript">\n</script>')if chart_list is not None:if isinstance(chart_list, (Chart, PivotChart)):chart_list = [chart_list]chart_list = [c.hcoptions for c in chart_list]render_to_list = [s.strip() for s in render_to.split(',')]for hco, render_to in izip_longest(chart_list, render_to_list):if render_to:hco['chart']['renderTo'] = render_toembed_script = (embed_script % (simplejson.dumps(chart_list, use_decimal=True),CHART_LOADER_URL))else:embed_script = embed_script %((), CHART_LOADER_URL)return mark_safe(embed_script)

The signature of simplejson.dumps is (see documentation):

dumps(obj, skipkeys=False, ensure_ascii=True, check_circular=True, allow_nan=True, cls=None)

as you can see there is no use_decimal parameter... yet you are calling it like this:

simplejson.dumps(chart_list, use_decimal=True)

EDIT: Actually a bit more digging brought up this other documentation. It seems that the use_decimal parameter was added somewhere along the version of simplejson library... I would suggest to upgrade you library version to the latest available one then!

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