I am using spark with python.After uploading a csv file,I needed to parse a column in a csv file which has numbers that are 22 digits long. For parsing that column I used LongType() . I used map() function for defining column. Following are my commands in pyspark.
>>> test=sc.textFile("test.csv")
>>> header=test.first()
>>> schemaString = header.replace('"','')
>>> testfields = [StructField(field_name, StringType(), True) for field_name in schemaString.split(',')]
>>> testfields[5].dataType = LongType()
>>> testschema = StructType(testfields)
>>> testHeader = test.filter(lambda l: "test_date" in l)
>>> testNoHeader = test.subtract(testHeader)
>>> test_temp = testNoHeader.map(lambda k: k.split(",")).map(lambda
>>> test_temp.top(2)
Note: I have also tried 'long' and 'bigint' in place of 'float' in my variable test_temp, but the error in spark was 'keyword not found'And following is the output
[('2012-03-14', '7', '1698.00', 'XYZ02abc008793060653', 'II93', ***8.27370028700801e+21*** , 'W0W0000000000007', '879870080088815007'), ('2002-03-14', '1', '999.00', 'ABC02E000050086941', 'II93', 8.37670028702205e+21, 'A0B0080000012523', '870870080000012421')]
The value in my csv file is as follows: 8.27370028700801e+21 is 8273700287008010012345 8.37670028702205e+21 is 8376700287022050054321
When I create a data frame out of it and then query it,
>>> test_df = sqlContext.createDataFrame(test_temp, testschema)
>>> test_df.registerTempTable("test")
>>> sqlContext.sql("SELECT test_column FROM test").show()
the test_column
gives value 'null' for all the records.
So, how to solve this problem of parsing big number in spark, really appreciate your help