How to abstract away command code in custom django commands

2024/9/25 3:21:34

I'm writing custom django commands under my apps management/commands directory. At the moment I have 6 different files in that directory. Each file has a different command that solves a unique need. However, there are some utilities that are common to all of them. What is the best way to abstract away this common code?

Below is an example:


class Command(BaseCommand):def handle(self, *args, **options)....code unique to colorsdef check_validity(self, color)....#code common to both shades and colors


 class Command(BaseCommand):def handle(self, *args, **options)....#code unique to shadesdef check_validity(self, color)....#code common to both shades and colors

In the management/commands folder create the file
from import BaseCommand, CommandErrorclass SharedCommand(BaseCommand):def check_validity(self, color):...

The in other files import this file and inherit SharedCommand:

from ._private import *class Command(SharedCommand):def handle(self, *args, **options):...

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