Fabric asks for root password

2024/9/24 23:31:09

I am using Fabric to run the following:

def staging():""" use staging environment on remote host"""env.user = 'ubuntu'env.environment = 'staging'env.hosts = ['host.dev']_setup_path()def bootstrap():""" initialize remote host environment (virtualenv, deploy, update) """require('root', provided_by=('staging', 'production'))run('mkdir -p %(root)s' % env)run('mkdir -p %s' % os.path.join(env.home, 'www', 'log'))create_virtualenv()deploy()update_requirements()

But I get this:

[email protected]:~/projects/proj_name$ fab staging bootstrap
[host.dev] run: mkdir -p /home/ubuntu/www/staging
Password for [email protected]: 

Why is Fabric asking for my password? This is the default ubuntu root user which has no password in the sudoers files. What's going on here?


meta: Just realized this question is still unanswered. I have no idea what really happened there but here's a guess.

This was probably caused by failing to use a keyfile when connecting to a machine where plaintext password SSH connection was disabled.

Proper usage would be:

fab -i keyfile.pem <fabric_task>

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