Python: How to fill out form all at once with splinter/Browser?

2024/9/24 18:23:00

Currently, I’m filling out the form on a site with the following:

browser.fill(‘form[firstname]’, ‘Mabel’)
browser.fill(‘form[email]’, ‘[email protected]’)‘form[color]’, ‘yellow’)

But the form gets filled out the form sequentially, one after the other. Is there a way to fill out the form all at once?

Thank you and will be sure to vote up and accept the answer!


Browser has a method called: fill_form(field_values)

It takes a dict parameter, with the field names, and the values, and it fills the form at once.

So you'll use browser.fill_form(dict) instead of browser.fill(field, value)

More info about Browser's API and its methods here :

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