error in loading pickle

2024/9/24 10:28:02

Not able to load a pickle file. I am using python 3.5

import pickle
data=pickle.load(open("D:\\ud120-projects\\final_project\\final_project_dataset.pkl", "r"))

TypeError: a bytes-like object is required, not 'str'

. .

Also tried:

import pickle
data=pickle.load(open("D:\\ud120-projects\\final_project\\final_project_dataset.pkl", "rb"))

UnpicklingError: the STRING opcode argument must be quoted

. .

Same errors even when using with statements

import pickle
with open("D:\\ud120-projects\\final_project\\final_project_dataset.pkl", "rb") as f:enron_data = pickle.load(f)

I'm using windows 10 and vscode, you should go to the final_project_dataset.pkl file and then change option CRLF to LF and then save the file then UnpicklingError: the STRING opcode argument must be quoted error will be disappeared.

enter image description here

change CRLF to LF

enter image description here

then save the final_project_dataset.pkl file.

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