How can I get the actual axis limits when using ax.axis(equal)?

2024/9/24 3:27:19

I am using ax.axes('equal') to make the axis spacing equal on X and Y, and also setting xlim and ylim. This over-constrains the problem and the actual limits are not what I set in ax.set_xlim() or ax.set_ylim(). Using ax.get_xlim() just returns what I provided. How can I get the actual visible limits of the plot?

f,ax=plt.subplots(1) #open a figure
ax.axis('equal') #make the axes have equal spacing
ax.plot([0,20],[0,20]) #test data set#change the plot axis limits
ax.set_ylim([5,15])#read the plot axis limits
ylim2=array(ax.get_ylim())#define indices for drawing a rectangle with xlim2, ylim2
sqy=array([0,0,1,1,0])#plot a thick rectangle marking the xlim2, ylim2
ax.plot(xlim2[sqx],ylim2[sqy],lw=3) #this does not go all the way around the edge

What commands will let me draw the green box around the actual edges of the figure?

Plot showing that the results of get_xlim() and get_ylim() do not match the visible bounds of the figure

Related: Force xlim, ylim, and axes('equal') at the same time by letting margins auto-adjust


The actual limits are not known until the figure is drawn. By adding a canvas draw after setting the xlim and ylim, but before obtaining the xlim and ylim, then one can get the desired limits.

f,ax=plt.subplots(1) #open a figure
ax.axis('equal') #make the axes have equal spacing
ax.plot([0,20],[0,20]) #test data set#change the plot axis limits
ax.set_ylim([5,15])#Drawing is crucial 
f.canvas.draw() #<---------- I added this line#read the plot axis limits
ylim2=array(ax.get_ylim())#define indices for drawing a rectangle with xlim2, ylim2
sqy=array([0,0,1,1,0])#plot a thick rectangle marking the xlim2, ylim2

Figure produced by script

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