Store large dictionary to file in Python

2024/9/23 13:31:00

I have a dictionary with many entries and a huge vector as values. These vectors can be 60.000 dimensions large and I have about 60.000 entries in the dictionary. To save time, I want to store this after computation. However, using a pickle led to a huge file. I have tried storing to JSON, but the file remains extremely large (like 10.5 MB on a sample of 50 entries with less dimensions). I have also read about sparse matrices. As most entries will be 0, this is a possibility. Will this reduce the filesize? Is there any other way to store this information? Or am I just unlucky?


Thank you all for the replies. I want to store this data as these are word counts. For example, when given sentences, I store the amount of times word 0 (at location 0 in the array) appears in the sentence. There are obviously more words in all sentences than appear in one sentence, hence the many zeros. Then, I want to use this array tot train at least three, maybe six classifiers. It seemed easier to create the arrays with word counts and then run the classifiers over night to train and test. I use sklearn for this. This format was chosen to be consistent with other feature vector formats, which is why I am approaching the problem this way. If this is not the way to go, in this case, please let me know. I am very much aware that I have much to learn in coding efficiently!

I also started implementing sparse matrices. The file is even bigger now (testing with a sample set of 300 sentences).

Update 2: Thank you all for the tips. John Mee was right by not needing to store the data. Both he and Mike McKerns told me to use sparse matrices, which sped up calculation significantly! So thank you for your input. Now I have a new tool in my arsenal!


See my answer to a very closely related question, if you are ok with pickling to several files instead of a single file.

Also see: for other potential improvements, and here too:

If you are using numpy arrays, it can be very efficient, as both klepto and joblib understand how to use minimal state representation for an array. If you indeed have most elements of the arrays as zeros, then by all means, convert to sparse matrices... and you will find huge savings in storage size of the array.

As the links above discuss, you could use klepto -- which provides you with the ability to easily store dictionaries to disk or database, using a common API. klepto also enables you to pick a storage format (pickle, json, etc.) -- where HDF5 is coming soon. It can utilize both specialized pickle formats (like numpy's) and compression (if you care about size and not speed).

klepto gives you the option to store the dictionary with "all-in-one" file or "one-entry-per" file, and also can leverage multiprocessing or multithreading -- meaning that you can save and load dictionary items to/from the backend in parallel.

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