How to access predefined environment variables in conda environment.yml?

2024/9/23 9:35:47

I wish to share an environment.yml file for others to reproduce the same setup as I have. The code we use depends on the environment variable $PWD. I wish to set a new env variable in the environment.yml where I can access $PWD.

for eg. I am able to do:

variables:VAR1: something

but can't do

variables:VAR1: $PWD/solution

where $PWD is set based on where the user has cloned the repo.

Also, how do I update predefined environment variables such as $PYTHONPATH?


doesn't work similarly.


I faced similar issue while accessing gitlab variables within environment.yml. I didnt find any solution on internet and finally i had to follow below in my gitlab-ci.yml's script section:

  • create conda environment using yml file
  • activate environment
  • create variables using conda env config vars set VAR=value
  • deactivate environment
  • activate environment

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