Python - write headers to csv

2024/9/23 5:31:01

Currently i am writing query in python which export data from oracle dbo to .csv file. I am not sure how to write headers within file.

try:connection = cx_Oracle.connect('user','pass','tns_name')cursor = connection.cursor()print "connected"try:query = """select * from """ .format(line_name)tmp = cursor.execute(query)results = tmp.fetchall()except:passexcept:print IOErrorfilename='{0}.csv'.format(line_name)
csv_file = open(filename,'wb')if results:myFile = csv.writer(csv_file)myFile.writerows(results)
else:print "null"

you can ethier do this after executing your query:

columns = [i[0] for i in cursor.description]

so you get

query = """select * from """ .format(line_name)
tmp = cursor.execute(query)
columns = [i[0] for i in cursor.description]
results = tmp.fetchall()

and then do:

if results:myFile = csv.writer(csv_file)myFile.writerow(columns)myFile.writerows(results)

or you can convert result to a dictionary and use DictWriter witch accepts fieldnames

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