How do I insert a map into DynamoDB table?

2024/9/22 8:27:22

I have the following line of code :

table.put_item( Item={'filename' : key, 'status' : {'M' : iocheckdict }})

The iocheckdict looks like this:

{'A': 'One', 'C': 'Three', 'D': 'Four', 'B': 'Two', 'E': 'Five'}

So, when I am running the code, I get this error:

An error occurred (ValidationException) when calling the PutItem operation: One or more parameter values were invalid: Type mismatch for key status expected: S actual: M

Why am I getting this, even though I mentioned M as the type of the data?

PS : I have 2 columns filename and status in my table

Attribute definitions of the table:

"AttributeDefinitions": [{"AttributeName": "filename","AttributeType": "S"},{"AttributeName": "status","AttributeType": "S"}

I understand that the type of status is S, but I haven't found the map type while creating the table. All I found are string, binary and number.


Easier way to insert into dynamodb

dynamodb = boto3.resource('dynamodb')
table = dynamodb.Table("table_name")item={}
item['filename'] = key
item['status'] = {'A': 'One', 'C': 'Three', 'D': 'Four', 'B': 'Two', 'E': 'Five'}table.put_item(Item=item)

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