Is there a Mercurial or Git version control plugin for PyScripter? [closed]

2024/9/21 22:59:09

I'm using Python 3.x and PyScripter to write my scripts. I really miss a version control feature in PyScripter - I got spoiled by Qt and MpLab X (I believe this is a subversion of Eclipse). Things were easy back than. Now I don't have any version control in PyScripter, but I do have Mercurial installed. I perfectly realise I can manage a Mercurial by hand, but I'm lazy and hate manual work. Any other sleak and smooth options I have? I'm ready to use any other vc system (e.g. git) - I just want to know what is the most painless way (proper one).


I just read this post that suggests you can simply use the File Explorer menu of PyScripter, which automatically enables all of the functions from Windows Explorer. I have TortoiseGIT installed, and you can see that from PyScripter's File Explorer window, the version control features of TortoiseGIT are enabled (possibly TortoiseHg as mentioned by @Helgi).

Browse to the folder where your python scripts are stored, make changes, commit-->master, all from right inside PyScripter. Very simple!

Run TortoiseGIT from PyScripter

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