Formatted output in OpenOffice/Microsoft Word with Python

2024/9/21 16:43:21

I am working on a project (in Python) that needs formatted, editable output. Since the end-user isn't going to be technically proficient, the output needs to be in a word processor editable format. The formatting is complex (bullet points, paragraphs, bold face, etc).

Is there a way to generate such a report using Python? I feel like there should be a way to do this using Microsoft Word/OpenOffice templates and Python, but I can't find anything advanced enough to get good formatting. Any suggestions?


A little known, and slightly evil fact: If you create an HTML file, and stick a .doc extension on it, Word will open it as a Word document, and most users will be none the wiser.

Except maybe a very technical person will say, my this is a small Word file! :)

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