Jquery ajax post request not working

2024/9/21 2:45:34

I have a simple form submission with ajax, but it keeps giving me an error. All the error says is "error". No code, no description. No nothing, when I alert it when it fails.

Javascript with jQuery:

$(document).ready(function(){$(".post-input").submit(function(){var postcontent = $(".post-form").val();if (postcontent == ""){return false;}$(".post-form").attr("disabled", "disabled");$.ajax({url: '/post',type: 'POST',data: {"post-form": postcontent},dataType: json,success: function(response, textStatus, jqXHR) {alert("Yay!");},error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown){alert(textStatus, errorThrown);}});});});


<form class="post-input" action="" method="post" accept-charset="utf-8"><textarea class="post-form" name="post-form" rows="1" cols="10" onFocus="this.value='';return false;">What are you thinking about...</textarea><p><input class="post-submit" type="submit" name = "post.submitted" value="Post"></p></form>

and if there are no problems there, then the server-side (pyramid):

def post(request):session = Session()user = authenticated_userid(request)postContent = request.POST['post-form']if not postContent == '':session.add(Activity(user.user_id, 0, postContent, None, None))return {}return HTTPNotFound()

UPDATE: After some more debugging with firebug, I discovered that the post request body contains only post.submitted=Post, instead of the intended result of {"post-form": postcontent}.


According to jQuery documentation, you must declare the data type:

$.ajax({type: 'POST',url: url,data: data,success: success,dataType: dataType

Also, looking at your server-side code, you don't actually want to post JSON formatted data. This {"post-form":postcontent} is JSON formatted data. What you actually want to do is send TEXT or HTML. Seeming as it's form data, I would guess at TEXT.

Try this:

$.ajax({url: '/post',type: 'POST',data: 'post-form='+postcontent,dataType: 'text',success: function(response, textStatus, jqXHR) {alert("Yay!");},error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown){alert(textStatus, errorThrown);}

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