Force INNER JOIN for Django Query

2024/9/20 22:45:02

Here is my schema:

City --> Photographer

I'm trying to get a list of cities that have at least one photographer, and return the photographer count for the cities.

Here is the queryset I'm working with:


This works exactly as I would expect it too, except for some reason Django chooses to make the join between city/photographer with a left outer join. If I grab the SQL text and simply change the "left outer" to "inner", the query goes from ~11 seconds to 200ms with identical results.

I've tried putting a filter in front of the annotate to hint to Django that it should be inner joining, but that didn't work.

Any Django query voodoo I can perform on this to get that inner join? I realize I can use straight SQL, but would prefer to go through the ORM.


By default, a LEFT JOIN is generated so that Django can get you rows even for cities with zero photographers. If you know you don't want those, here's a trick to force Django to generate an INNER JOIN:


Specifically, that first filter tells Django that an INNER JOIN is safe. It must come before the annotate() call.

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