Pandas dataframe.hist() change title size on subplot?

2024/9/20 12:12:41

I am manipulating DataFrame using pandas, Python. My data is 10000(rows) X 20(columns) and I am visualizing it, like this.


However, if I make figsize bigger, each of subplots' title, which is name of each columns, get really small or graphs overlap each other and it makes impossible to distinguish.

Is there any clever way to fix it?

Thank you!


There could be cleaner ways. Here are two ways.

1) You could set properties of subplots like

fig = df.hist(figsize=(50, 30))
[x.title.set_size(32) for x in fig.ravel()]

enter image description here

2) Another way, is to set matplotlib rcParams default parameters

import matplotlibparams = {'axes.titlesize':'32','xtick.labelsize':'24','ytick.labelsize':'24'}
df.hist(figsize=(50, 30))

enter image description here

Default Issue

This is default behavior with very small labels and titles in subplots.

matplotlib.rcParams.update(matplotlib.rcParamsDefault)  # to revert to default settings
df.hist(figsize=(50, 30))

enter image description here

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