finding a set of ranges that a number fall in

2024/9/20 7:46:27

I have a 200k lines list of number ranges like start_position,stop position. The list includes all kinds of overlaps in addition to nonoverlapping ones.

the list looks like this

  • [3,5]
  • [10,30]
  • [15,25]
  • [5,15]
  • [25,35]
  • ...

I need to find the ranges that a given number fall in. And will repeat it for 100k numbers. For example if 18 is the given number with the list above then the function should return [10,30] [15,25]

I am doing it in a overly complicated way using bisect, can anybody give a clue on how to do it in a faster way.



It seems a range coverage problem. Since you have a large amount queries to process, you need to give the result as quickly as possible. There is an algorithm relating to this problem, you can take a look at the Segment Tree.

The idea is to build a Segment Tree first based on the intervals given, and then for each query, you can do as fast as log(N), where N is the number of intervals.

To get all possible k intervals, first find the parent node covering all sub intervals with log(n), and then traverse its children to retrieve all k intervals. So the time complexity of retrieving all intervals for a given number is bounded by log(N) + O(k), where k << n.

This algorithm could be deteriorated to as slow as O(N) when all intervals contains the given number. In this case, since the size of output is N, there does not exist any better solution. Because the complexity of the algorithm must be at least at the same order or higher than the output size.

Hope it helps.

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