Pass a JSON object to an url with requests

2024/9/21 5:39:53

So, I want to use Kenneth' excellent requests module. Stumbled up this problem while trying to use the Freebase API.

Basically, their API looks like that:

as a query, they expect a JSON object, here's one that will return a list of wines with their country and percentage of alcohol:

[{"country":       null,"name":          null,"percentage_alcohol": null,"percentage_alcohol>": 0,"type":          "/food/wine"

Of course, we'll have to escape the hell out of this before passing it to an URL, so the actual query will look like this:

 fullurl = ''


r = requests.get(fullurl)
print r.status_code
>>> 400

because the site claims it couldn't parse the query.

r2 = urllib2.urlopen(fullurl)
print r2.getcode()
>>> 200

No problem here, I get a proper return. Interestingly,

# This is the url of our requests.get request
print urllib2.urlopen(r.url).getcode() 
>>> 200

Why? Am I using the module wrong? Or is it a bug in requests?


It works for me. Here's what I did:

>>> params = [{"country": None,
...            "name": None,
...            "percentage_alcohol": None,
...            "percentage_alcohol>": 0,
...            "type": "/food/wine"
...          }]
>>> import json
>>> params_json = json.dumps(params)>>> import requests
>>> url = ""
>>> r = requests.get(url % params_json)
>>> r.status_code
200>>> content_json = json.loads(r.content)
>>> import pprint
>>> pprint.pprint(content_json)
{u'result': [{u'country': u'New Zealand',u'name': u'2003 Cloudy Bay Sauvignon Blanc',u'percentage_alcohol': 13.5,u'type': u'/food/wine'},{u'country': u'France',u'name': u'G.H. Mumm Cordon Rouge Brut',u'percentage_alcohol': 12.0,u'type': u'/food/wine'},

I cut the rest off for brevity. There are 100 results. requests.__version__ == '0.10.6'

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